HF propagation conditions

What does CW mean ?

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 8:18 AM

CW stands for "continuous wave", most hams refer to Morse code when they talk about "CW". So what does CW have to do with Morse code ? Morse is the code used via the CW medium, or "mode", of communication. Morse code can be created by means of a flashlight, signal flags, mirrors, even a stick hit against a water pipe can be used to communicate with Morse code, or any code for that matter ! Telegraph operators used Morse code over the telegraph wires back in the 1800's to send messages. These messages were known as " telegrams ". People of that time relied on the telegraph operators to pass information over great distance's . Telegraph operators also checked the current weather conditions across the country , making sure that the trains ran on schedule . So , it's no surprise that when radio came along at the turn of the century, Morse code became the standard in communication , as many telegraph office's went "wireless".
As the art of radio progressed, most ships became equipt with transmitters and receivers. Those ship to shore operators used Morse code as their only means to communicate with other ships and land stations. The R.M.S Titanic used Morse code to send its ill-fated distress signal " C Q D " .
Of course the amateur's were using Morse code all along. They used home made ,"spark gap", transmitters to send their messages around the globe. These primitive transmitters took up enormous amounts ( by today's standard ) of radio spectrum !

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added by khalil@2009