HF propagation conditions

what is morse code ?

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 8:23 AM


Morse code is named after its inventor Samuel F.B. Morse,1791-1872. Morse invented the code (and the electromagnetic telegraph ) in 1836. The code consists of a series of dots and dashes. Each letter of the alphabet and numbers 0 through 9 have individual combinations assigned to them. For example, the letter "E", is a single "." , or "dit" . Making it the easiest letter to learn ! The letter "O" is "- - -" , or "dah dah dah", another fairly easy one to learn. Most are not that easy, but with practice and determination, it can be done. Some people can copy code at speeds of up to 70 words per minute ! Of course that is more the exception than the rule, most ham's copy code in the 10 to 30 word per minute range. Once you get over the learning curve, morse code becomes a second language, you begin to hear "words", not just each individual letter. You begin to recognize the rhythm of the words so you can easily pick them out and follow along with the conversation.

What does CW mean ?

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 8:18 AM


CW stands for "continuous wave", most hams refer to Morse code when they talk about "CW". So what does CW have to do with Morse code ? Morse is the code used via the CW medium, or "mode", of communication. Morse code can be created by means of a flashlight, signal flags, mirrors, even a stick hit against a water pipe can be used to communicate with Morse code, or any code for that matter ! Telegraph operators used Morse code over the telegraph wires back in the 1800's to send messages. These messages were known as " telegrams ". People of that time relied on the telegraph operators to pass information over great distance's . Telegraph operators also checked the current weather conditions across the country , making sure that the trains ran on schedule . So , it's no surprise that when radio came along at the turn of the century, Morse code became the standard in communication , as many telegraph office's went "wireless".
As the art of radio progressed, most ships became equipt with transmitters and receivers. Those ship to shore operators used Morse code as their only means to communicate with other ships and land stations. The R.M.S Titanic used Morse code to send its ill-fated distress signal " C Q D " .
Of course the amateur's were using Morse code all along. They used home made ,"spark gap", transmitters to send their messages around the globe. These primitive transmitters took up enormous amounts ( by today's standard ) of radio spectrum !

Radioactive Camping Tips

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 7:51 AM


Camping with Ham Radio is fun, but twice as complicated as just camping. There are two lists of things not to forget, the camping stuff and the radio stuff.
It helps if you have a special bag to pack antenna parts and supplies and another special case in which to put the rig. You can double check that everything needed, such as all cables, are in with the rig and accessories in the same box. The same with the antenna supplies, you can double check that as well. Then you only have to remember the rig box and the antenna sack, instead of all the little pieces already checked off and verified to be in the two larger units.
Small dome tents are nice. For Hawaii the kind that have a screen in the top of the dome, making a skylight are excellent. They come with a rain fly that goes over the top for rain and covers the screen area at the same time. Also pitching the tent in the shade is a great help to avoid that oven-baked effect. If the trades are up you can orient the door to catch the wind and get a ventilation going into the door and out the top.
Ground cloths are highly recommended. Soil will often prove wetter than it looks when you put pressure on it and a nice water proof tarp sort of ground cloth is necessary to keep the floor of the tent actually dry.
For further Information visit :-http://www.chem.hawaii.edu/uham/camping.html

Pedoman di bulan Ramadhan

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 7:58 AM


Dipetik dari buku Bediuzzaman Said Nursi:

Bulan Ramadhan akan mengubah jiwa naluri seseorang. Dari sekaya-kaya menjadi semiskin-miskin kerana memahami bahawa harta itu bukan miliknya malah kepunyaan semua orang. Dirasakan juga dirinya tidaklah merdeka tetapi adalah hamba. Diketahui sekiranya tidak diterima sebarang arahan, tidak akan berupaya melakukan sebarang kerja mudah dan senang ibarat tidak dapat menyentuhkan tangan ke dalam air.

Jangan Melengah-lengahkan Waktu Berbuka

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 3:10 AM


Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:”Manusia tidak henti-hentinya mendapat kebaikan selama mereka mempercepatkan berbuka puasa.”
Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim
Huraian :
Pengajaran Hadis:
i) Menyegerakan berbuka adalah antara perkara yang disunatkan di dalam Islam kerana ia membezakan antara cara puasa oarang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani yang sengaja melambat-lambatkan waktu berbuka.
ii) Sunat berbuka puasa dengan tamar (kurma) sebagaimana yang diamalkan oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. Ini adalah kerana tamar mengandungi karbohidrat yang tinggi di samping mengandungi asid amino. Di antaranya ialah triptofan yang didapati boleh menenangkan perasaan.
iii) Antara hikmah disunatkan berbuka dengan buah tamar juga adalah kerana kandungan gula di dalam kurma adalah lebih mudah diserap oleh badan berbanding dengan makanan manis yang lain di mana badan akan segera kembali segar setelah seharian berpuasa. Sebaliknya jika seseorang itu berbuka puasa dengan memulakan pengambilan makanan yang berat tanpa memulakan makanan yang manis, maka gula yang diambil kemudiannya memerlukan waktu yang lebih lama iaitu antara 3-4 jam sebelum dapat diserap oleh usus.
iv) Dari sudut perubatan puasa itu sendiri sebenarnya merupakan satu kaedah perubatan yang dapat mengubati gangguan usus selain boleh mengawal berat badan dan mengubati penyakit kencing manis, darah tinggi dan sakit jantung.
v) Setiap Muslim hendaklah memastikan bahawa makanan yang dimakan sewaktu berbuka adalah yang halal dan bersih bukan makanan yang haram atau syubhat selain berwaspada dengan kuantiti makanan yang diambil itu sendiri iaitu janganlah terlalu banyak sehingga menyebabkan badan terasa berat untuk mengerjakan ibadat seperti solat terawih dan sebagainya.

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Posted by My Biodota | Posted in | Posted on 2:49 AM


Selamat berpuasa dan tambahkan amal ibadat...

added by khalil@2009